Brand Positioning Defined
So much is being said about brand positioning but, what exactly is it? In a layman's terms, brand positioning would mean to position your brand or product into the minds of target consumers in such a manner to make it desirable and well known. The concept of a brand is very vital if you would like your product to be distinctly known and separated from other brands or products. Publicity plays a very crucial role in brand positioning as it creates awareness about your product, and helps position your product at the top.
People think that new brands have a tougher time positioning themselves, but that is not necessarily true. The fact is that if done right from the beginning, brand positioning can be much easier for a new brand than for one which has been in the market for a while. That's because there's no old baggage to live down, no "we've always done it that way" mentality. It's a fresh slate.
Brand positioning in simple words means to position your brand or some important products of your company to make it more presentable and known to the customers. People require and acquire knowledge and impressions eminating from the products or services of renowned brands. You need to make those messages and images accessible to people in such way that they start recognizing your brand name. It makes your brand gain popularity and streamlines the sales process, making for a more effective and efficient branding activity.
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